Beef Trotter (Paya) Recipe

 Beef trotters are considered a delicacy in many countries especially in Asia and Africa. It is often cooked as a broth for few hours on medium heat to soften the skin on trotters. Read on for Beef trotters recipe which is cooked as a broth.

Paya Beef Trotter Recipe


1. Beef Trotters ( 2.5 Kg, cut into small pieces)
2. Onion (5 medium sized, thinly sliced)
3. Tomato (1 large, sliced)
4. Garlic (6 medium cloves, sliced)
5. Black Pepper Powder ( 1/4 Tsp)
6. Coriander Powder ( 1 Tsp)
7. Cooking Oil ( 1/4 cup)
8. Garam Masala (1 Tsp)
9. Salt ( 1.5 Tsp or according to taste)
10. Turmeric Powder (1/2 Tsp)
11. Red Chili Powder (1 Tsp or to taste)

Serving Size
4-5 person

Time To Prepare
1-1.5 Hours With Pressure Cooker
4-5 Hours Without Pressure Cooker

1. Ingredients and cooking method is same for both cooking with pressure cooker or without pressure cooker. The choice of utensil will impact the time in which trotters are cooked. A pressure cooker will reduce the time greatly. However, trotters can also be cooked without a pressure cooker, just it will take more time for trotters to be well done. 

2. Take a pressure cooker or a Dutch oven large enough to accommodate the quantity of beef trotters mentioned above. 

3. First add oil in it utensil and heat it to medium heat. Then add onion and garlic in it and cook on medium flame until onion turns light brown. 

4.Now add tomatoes in it and cook for another 3-4 minutes on medium heat. When done, turn off the stove now. 

4. Now let it cool down for a few minutes. Then grind this mixture with the help of a grinder. When done, transfer it back to the cooking utensil. 

5. Turn on the flame to medium. Now add the rest of the spices i.e. black pepper powder, coriander powder, turmeric powder, red chili powder, garam masala and salt in the quantities mentioned above. Stir well

6. Now turn flame to low. Add trotters into utensil and gentle fry (frying on low heat) for 30 minutes. Keep stirring intermittently. 

7. When done, turn off the flame. Now add water in the utensil to the point trotters are covered to the top. Add further 3 liters of water in it. 

8. Bring the water to boil on high flame. Now if you are using a pressure cooker, then reduce the flame to medium and cover it tightly. Let it cook for at least 1 hour. After that check if the trotters are tender (soft). If done, turn off the stove and sprinkle coriander powder according to taste. If you feel like the trotters are not tender enough, cook for another 20-30 minutes under pressure. When done, turn off the stove and serve. 

9. If you are cooking in a Dutch oven, then bring the water to boil and then cover it almost completely leaving just a slit open to let off steam. Adjust the flame so that it keeps on simmering without spilling over. Cook for 4-5 hours on this setting . Stir and flip the trotters to cook them evenly after 1 and half hour. 

10. When the trotters are tender, turn off the stove, sprinkle coriander powder and serve. 

11. It can be served with bread, naan or chapati as per your liking. 


  1. Mouth - watering , all time favourite dish :-)


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