
Welcome to The Bank Of Knowledge! Here you will find articles related but not limited to recipes, lifestyles, ideas for energy efficiency. For readability purposes the blog is divided into different sections which are accessible through the navigation bar. 

At this point, I would like tell my readers about how I got the idea of making this website. As a science student, I was always curious about optimizing most of the work we do, the appliances we use and car we drive. Often times, when I come across a problem with my car, machinery etc, I always analyze it first and try to gain as much knowledge as possible. In my opinion, it definitely helps if a person has an idea about the problem before going to a professional.

With this curious behavior, I have learned a lot of things relating to different subjects in my life. I wanted to gather all this knowledge and information in one place and hence, the idea of this website was borne.

If you like my website, please bookmark it and share with others. Check back regularly for new articles. 

Comments and suggestions are welcomed and encouraged.

All images on this website come from only two sources; either they are specially shot for the article or taken from Pixabay which provides free images licensed under creative commons.

Thanks and Enjoy!