7 Surprising Fruits That Are Mistaken To Be Vegetables

Generally, fruits are easily identified based on their appearance and sweet sugary taste. We all know some of the most commonly consumed fruits such as apples, oranges, bananas, mangoes, cherries, kiwifruits etc. However, there are some other fruits that are often either referred to as vegetables or consumed as vegetables. Before we jump off to the list, let us first look at the dictionary to find out what classifies as a fruit. Technically, fruits are the seed-bearing structures formed from the ovary of a flowering plant. Now keep this definition in mind while we check a list of 7 fruits that are mistaken as vegetables. 

1. Tomatoes

This has to be number 1. The reason is that it is the most consumed fruit that is mistaken for vegetables. It can be understood that some less often consumed fruits can be mistaken to be vegetables but a fruit such as tomato to be confused with vegetable is very wicked. Tomatoes are an integral part of many cuisines around the world. Though they are not that sweet compared to other fruits but they classify as fruits as they do contain seeds in them. 

2. Peppers

If we compare all peppers such as bell peppers, green peppers, jalapenos etc with the definition of a fruit, then we will come to know that they do fit that description. There are a lot of varieties of peppers available with some being sweet and other being really spicy or hot. The hotness of a pepper is measured by a scale known as Scoville scale. It is named after its inventor Wilbur Scoville. The hottest pepper is Carolina Reaper measuring over 1.5 million SHU (Scoville Heat Unit). 

3. Okra

This one is surely surprising to most of the people as okras are almost all the time prepared and consumed as vegetables. They also lack sweet taste but if we check it against the description of a fruit, it does fit the bill. 

4. Olives

"Yummy", that's the word that comes to our minds when we think of them. But freshly harvested olives are not so yummy rather they are very bitter in taste making their consumption almost impossible. They are then cured in salt water or vinegar to get rid of excessive bitterness. 

5. Avocados

Avocados are creamy delights available in most countries. They are categorized as single-seed berries. Avocado dip sauce is also popular in many cuisines. 

6. Cucumbers

Cucumbers are also fruits as they contain visible seeds in them. They are often used as salads in many cuisines. Do you know that cucumbers contain 95% water. That means a 100 grams piece is essentially 95 grams of water only. Cucumbers also contain a variety of vitamins and minerals in small quantities. 

7. Sweet Corn

This entry on the list is definitely a surprise to many people. Sweet corn consists many small sized kernels which are the fruit. Corn flour and Maize flour are two products acquired by grinding the kernels. Boiled sweet corns are sold by many restaurants as inexpensive side-orders. 

Hope you have enjoyed reading the list. Let us know which entry surprised you the most. 
