Q1. How to calculate my car's fuel efficiency?
A. Efficiency in general is described as the ratio of output to input. It can also be described as the ability of a machine or a system to successfully convert its input to its output. In terms of car fuel efficiency, it means the distance traveled by your car divided by the fuel consumed.
For example, a car traveled a total of 112 km and consumed 10 liters of petrol. Its efficiency can be calculated as follows:
112km/10liters = 11.2 km/l
Q2. What can I do to improve my car's fuel efficiency?
A. Fuel efficiency depends on a lot of factors such as driving habits, condition of engine, using air-conditioner etc. Here are some dos and don'ts to improve fuel efficiency of a car.
- Avoid accelerating heavily.
- Anticipate the traffic and accelerate/brake accordingly. No need to accelerate too much if the signal is red and you have will have to wait upon reaching the signal.
- Fuel consumption is directly linked to the rpm of engine. The more the rpm of an engine, the more is the fuel consumption. Maintain 2000-3000 rpm by changing gears at appropriate times.
- Keep engine in good shape by having periodic engine tuning and changing spark plugs. Worn out spark plugs can cause misfire and can reduce engine performance greatly.
- Remove unnecessary cargo from your car.
- Keep tires inflated to recommended air pressure. Reduced tire air pressure not only affects the fuel efficiency of the car but also damages the tire in long run.
Q3. How often should I have my engine oil changed?
A. The answer to this question depends on a lot of factors such as:
- How old is your car?
- Which oil do you use?
- What are the climate conditions in which you drive?
- How often do you drive and how long are the trips?
Newer cars make perform well with oil change at every 5000 miles or 6 months (which ever comes first). Older cars may require oil change at every 3000 miles or 3 months. Similarly, the type of oil you use for your engine also play a factor. Fully synthetic oils may allow more mileage before a change. Short stop-and-go trips put more strain on the engine and hence require early oil change as compared to vehicle involved in long trips on a steady speed. The best answer you can find to this question is in the owner's manual. One thing is clear that an oil change is not something that should be delayed or over-due as it can reduce engine's performance and affect its life adversely.
A. The recommended answer to this question is yes. Oil filter costs only a fraction of the total cost of a typical oil change. Filters hold the contaminants and grit from the engine and helps to keep the oil clean. If you do not change the oil filter it will at certain point become clogged and will restrict the oil flow to engine. In some extreme cases, it may even fail and leak all contaminants into the engine. Now consider that you spent your hard-earned money on an oil change but skipped the oil filter change. What will happen is that the dirty oil already present in the filter will contaminate the fresh oil as well. It is therefore recommended to change oil filters with every oil change as the benefits of doing so greatly out-weighs the cost of replacement.
Q5. Can I use water instead of engine coolant?
A. Only in case of an emergency. Coolant has the anti-rust and anti-freeze properties. If you use water instead of coolant than that can cause rust inside your engine and will reduce its life. Further more the boiling point of water is lower and it can evaporate once it starts boiling up. If you live in a colder climate than using water will badly damage the engine, water pump, radiator etc when it freezes. It will render the car useless and will incur heavy maintenance costs. It is always best to use the recommended coolant/antifreeze mentioned in owner's manual.
Q6. Why I hear high-pitch squealing noise upon applying brakes?
A. The most common reason for this type of noise is the worn out brake pads. Worn out brake pads can affect the braking power of a car and will damage the brake rotors as well. It is a matter of urgent attention and as soon as you start hearing these noises, it is recommended to get it checked by an expert.
Q7. How often should I check my tire pressure?
A. Well, there are a lot of different recommendations on this one. Some people say that checking tire pressure at every fuel up is the best practice. Some say every week and some recommend every month. While it might be difficult and unnecessary to check tire pressure at every fuel up, a more moderate way would be to do it once a week.
Q8. When should I replace old tires?
A. It is recommended to replace old tires after they have been driven about 20,000-30,000 miles. Usually after travelling this much distance, the tread of the tires have reduced greatly and is no longer efficient in removing water and mud from the road thus having reduced grip. It can be dangerous to drive around with worn out tires specially in wet conditions. Another factor to consider is the age of the tires. If you happen to have a car which you seldom drive then chances are that they will be considered for replacement even if you have driven them for less than 20,000 miles. It is recommended to replace tires which are 5 years-old or above. As time passes, it adversely affects the rubber of tires. Cracks develop on the inside of tires due to aging. It is therefore recommended to have tires inspected by professionals after 20,000 miles or in case of aging tires. Owner's manual also contains relevant information in this regard.
Q9. What is an engine tune-up and when should I have it done?
A. Unfortunately, there is no fixed definition to describe which services are included in an engine tune-up. Generally, when you talk about engine tune-up it includes inspection of spark plugs, spark plug wires, distributor plug, seals for oil leakage, timing and idling etc. The mileage after which this service is due varies greatly depending on the car's make and model. Older cars would require this service every 10,000- 15,000 miles but newer Electronic Fuel Injection (EFI) system car's can have this service done at around 40,000 to 55,000 miles. Owner's manual lists the various maintenance services required and their stipulated time period.
Q10. When should I have the spark plugs changed?
A.Spark plugs comes in many qualities with each having its own lifespan and specified mileage. Conventional spark plugs may need replacement after 25,000- 35,000 miles while platinum tipped spark plugs my last for 70,000-100,000 miles. It also depends on car model and type. If spark plugs have worn out than it will manifest in the form of misfiring and increased fuel consumption. Though spark plugs may not cost as much themselves but delaying their replacement will have adverse impact on fuel consumption. Consult owner's manual for optimal replacement period.
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