4 Simple Fertilizers For Indoor Plants

Plants require nutrients to help them grow and turn into lush green creatures. This need is increased when the plants are potted or are placed in a container as they have limited supply of nutrients and their roots cannot go beyond the container. So, a number of simple edibles that can be used as fertilizers are given below. However, individual plants need may vary from case to case, therefore it is important to try the fertilizers one at a time and only once a month. It is also important not to over-fertilize your plants as it can alter soil pH levels and affect plants' growth.

1. Tea
Ground tea leaves are a great way to fertilize your home plants. Not only it is inexpensive but also readily available. Sprinkle about one teaspoon of fresh ground tea on the soil and water it. 

2. Banana Peels
Another inexpensive and readily available natural fertilizer. Banana peels contains potassium (k), which is a macro-nutrient for plants. Take a small portion of banana peel and chop it in small pieces and then mix it in the potting soil. They will decompose after some time releasing nutrients. 

3. Egg Shells
Egg shells are a rich source of calcium which is a macro-nutrient for plants. In addition to that, it contains magnesium, phosphorus and potassium in smaller quantities which makes it a great fertilizer. Grind a dried egg shell in your grinder and add this powder in the soil. 

4. Dead Leaves
Sowing the old dead leaves in the soil is the cheapest and easiest way to nourish your soil. It can be done anywhere from your potted plants to your gardens, this is the best method. Dead leaves contains most of the macro and micro nutrients and decompose upon mixing in the soil. Take a few dead leaves and mix them in the soil. 

Needless to say, be careful with the amount of these fertilizers you use in your plants. Try one fertilizer at a time and only once a month. Observe what your plants like the most as different plants have different needs.

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